
After graduating from Westmont College where I studied Economics & Business, Communication Studies, and Law, I enrolled in the Master of Arts program in Sport Management at California State University, Long Beach, with dreams of someday working for a professional baseball team.  I had always nurtured a childlike faith in Christ, but I never realized how shallow that faith had been until my time at Westmont when professors like Tremper Longman III opened my eyes to the cavernous depths of God beneath the surface of His Word.  So, concurrent with my MA program, I began taking classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College.  It was soon obvious that my passion was leading me in a new direction.

While managing a storage facility and bartending at the local country club to pay the bills, I earned a Master of Arts in Theology specializing in Biblical Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.  Once again, however, God had something new in store for me.  Through my studies at Fuller, I discovered Eastern Orthodox Christianity.

I dove into Orthodoxy and emerged a member of the Church, taking Irenaios of Lyons as my patron saint.  Then I spent a year in Boston at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology undergoing advanced theological training.  Upon completion of my thesis, “The Almond Tree Blossomed: Nikos Kazantzakis, Christianity, and the Pursuit of God through Art,” I was awarded the Master of Theology degree.

I have since completed all coursework for a PhD in Religion at Claremont Graduate University specializing in History of Christianity and Film/Media Studies.  I am currently studying for comprehensive exams on Ancient Israelite Religion, New Testament & Christian History, and Religion & Film.

Contact: bigfishjuan@outofthewhirlwind.com

2 replies on “About”

I discovered your website while listening to the Tom Woods Show podcast

I’m so aware of my need to be transformed by the renewing of my mind by feeding my faith with the Word of God as I trust Him to guide me

As a vessel of the Holy Spirit, I seek bear spiritual fruit in all circumstances so that the spiritual blinders can be lifted from the eyes of the nonbeliever like they were for me

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